PROPOSED COMMEMORATIVE NAMING OF TUCSON WATER’S SOUTH HOUGHTON AREA RECHARGE PROJECT – Tucson Water has recommended the commemorative naming of the Southeast Houghton Area Recharge Project (SHARP) to honor the distinguished service of former Ward 4 Tucson City Council Member Shirley Scott. The City of Tucson invites your feedback on the proposed renaming of the facility (link below). Comments must be submitted by Oct. 22. City staff will incorporate this feedback, as well as input from stakeholders in making a recommendation to the Mayor and Council for consideration at their Nov. 9 meeting. SHARP is the newest addition to the reclaimed water system, allowing Tucson Water to recharge and store recycled water into our aquifer, with a maximum capacity of 1.3 billion gallons of water per year. The working recharge facility allows visitors to enjoy its 40 acres of desert landscape to walk, cycle, take photos, relax under a ramada, enjoy water in basins (seasonally), and more.
Proposed SHARP renaming
Tucson Water