City of Tucson Hosts American Recycles Collection Event

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America Recycles Day Kickoff Event Flyer

The City of Tucson’s Environmental and General Services Department (EGSD) is teaming up with Tucson Clean and Beautiful (TCB) to host a collection event that will kick off America Recycles Week. The event is Nov. 14, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the parking lot at 4004 S. Park Ave. The event is free.

At the event, crews will be collecting electronic waste, documents for shredding, and textiles. The event is a contactless, drive-thru event and masks are required. People dropping off items for recycling/shredding will be asked to stay in their vehicle, and a volunteer will grab the items out of the back. 

Suburban Miners will be collecting computers, audio equipment, cable and wire, camera equipment, cell phones, hard drives, electric motors, fax machines, keyboards, LCD monitors, power supplies, and other electronics. They will not be collecting CRT TVs at this event, but feel free to take them to Suburban Miners for a $25 fee.

American Textile Recycling Service will be collecting new or old clothing, shoes, and bedding. Gently used condition is preferred. 

Assured Document Destruction, Inc. will be collecting paper documents for shredding. Please limit to three boxes per vehicle. 

For more details on the event, check the Facebook Event Page


Kendra Hall
Environmental and General Services
Public Information Specialist
(520) 279-8968  

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