AZPDES General Permits Modifications

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AZPDES General Permits public notice on permit comment period

To simplify implementation of the new Arizona Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP), ADEQ will modify the existing AZPDES General Permits (GPs) to extend coverage to state-listed waters. Finally, our goal is to have the modified permits finalized by mid-August.

AZPDES General Permits for Modification:

Construction General Permit  Multi Sector General Permit  Mining Multi Sector General Permit De Minimis General Permit Phase II MS4 General Permit  Pesticides General Permit 

Additionally, language clarifying the existing regulatory requirement that new or expanded discharges directly to Outstanding Arizona Waters are prohibited will be added to the CGP, DMGP, PGP and MS4 GP. No other general permit conditions or requirements are changing with the exception of the small MS4 general permit as well as PGP, which are currently being revised as part of reissuance.

Application for a permit under the modified GP will not change; the myDEQ process will remain the same, in addition existing permit holders will not need to apply for a new permit, except for PGP and MS4 GP permittees, who must reapply upon final reissuance of those permits.

How to Review GPs & Comment

To make it easier for you to provide comments, ADEQ is piloting an online comment platform. Using this platform, you will be able to add your comments directly on the GPs without having to copy and paste or write a detailed letter/email explaining the location of your comment. You will also be able to see others’ comments.

To use the online platform to comment:

  • Visit the online platform web page | Visit Online Platform >
  • Register to log in. You will only need to do this once: Click the button in the upper right and provide your name and email address. You will additionally receive an email with instructions to set up a password. Click the password setup link in the email to log in and create a password.
    Note: Your email will not be made public.
  • Provide comments. Listed on your home screen will be documents available for comment. Select the document you wish to review and comment on. Click the applicable location in the document, type your comment, select an option from the Comment Type drop-down (suggestion or question), and click Add Comment. This saves your comment to the document.
  • Comment on another document or exit platform. When you’ve finished commenting on a document, you may return to the home screen and select another document, or close the page.

Commenting online is the preferred option as it adds transparency and will assist staff in streamlining the preparation of responsiveness summaries. However, you may choose to submit comments as follows:

     By Email | Send Email >
     By Mail (Must be postmarked or received by July 30, 2021):
       Attn: David Lelsz, Ph.D.
       Water Quality Division, Surface Water Section
       1110 W. Washington St.
       Phoenix, AZ 85007

Comment period ends Friday, July 30, 2021.

Subsequently, ADEQ encourages and values your input and participation.

View Public Notice on the ADEQ Website >

To view more ADEQ public notices, visit


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