Thank you all for attending this years RCRA Seminar
on August 15, 2024
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
RCRA After Event 4:00 to 6:00 PM
Hilton Tucson East
About SAEMS RCRA Seminar
SAEMS hosts its Annual RCRA Seminar to promote awareness, education, and the understanding of environmental issues associated with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). We provide a forum for people employed in the environmental and safety industries to network, learn, and contribute to the community.
Attendee and Sponsors contributions to the Seminar go towards the SAEMS Scholarship Fund. SAEMS has awarded over $10,000 in scholarships to very deserving college students who are majoring in environmental studies at the University of Arizona.
For more information about the RCRA seminar please contact David Mack at info@saems.com
Event Information
We have produced a flyer for this years event. Please click the button below to view it.
The table below represents the cost for this years event. Please note after August 1st the prices goes up.
Registration Type | Cost |
Member | $175.00 |
Non-Member | $190.00 |
After August 1st, 2024 | |
Member | $200.00 |
Non-Member | $215.00 |
If you have any questions please reach out to us at info@saems.org.
- Promotional Video run during event. Video must not exceed 5 minutes in length. Available on Youtube or similar service.
- Logo recognition on all pre‐conference materials (subject to deadline)
- Logo recognition on website with link to company website
- Logo recognition on conference materials
- Standard Exhibit Booth in Vendor Area
- Four (4) individual complimentary conference registrations (valued at $700.00)
- Sponsor ribbons for company attendees.
Thank You to our 2024 Platinum Sponsors
- GOLD SPONSOR: $1,500
- Logo recognition on all pre‐conference materials (subject to deadline)
- Logo recognition on website with link to company website
- Logo recognition on conference materials
- Standard Exhibit Booth in Vendor Area
- Three (3) individual complimentary conference registrations (valued at $525.00)
- Sponsor ribbons for company attendees.
Thank you to our 2024 Gold Sponsor
- Logo recognition on website with link to company website
- Logo recognition on conference materials
- Standard Exhibit Booth in Vendor Area
- Two (2) individual complimentary conference registrations (valued at $350.00)
- Sponsor ribbons for company attendees.
- Logo recognition on website with link to company website
- Logo recognition on conference materials
- Standard Exhibit Booth in Vendor Area
- One (1) individual complimentary conference registrations (valued at $175.00)
- Sponsor ribbons for company attendees.
Thank you to our 2024 Copper Sponsors
Sustainability Sponsorship
Sustainability Sponsors: $2,000
- Sustainable gift for all attendees with SAEMS and your logo
- Logo recognition on website with link to company website
- Logo recognition on conference materials
- Standard Exhibit Booth in Vendor Area
- Two (2) individual complimentary conference registrations (valued at $350.00)
- Sponsor ribbons for company attendees.
Thank you to our 2024 Sustainability Sponsors

Why Attend?
4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss the SAEMS RCRA Seminar
While we believe that there are countless opportunities why you should attend the SAEMS Annual seminar, we’ve managed to narrow it down to the following four classic reasons:
Hear from the experts
Learn skills and stay up-to-date
No matter how long you’ve been in environmental management or what position you hold at your company, chances are there is still something you need to learn. Trends, new strategies, and innovations in environmental management happen all the time; to stay up-to-date you need an educational opportunity that provides you with the full range of industry knowledge.
Protect your company from liability – avoid legal risk before it arises by staying current with the latest changes in policy and legislation. From federal legislative compliance, to waste legal issues specific to Arizona, we help you stay on top of the most important legislative priorities.
Meet with vendors and suppliers
Our exhibitors are industry experts and solution-providers who truly know what is happening in the world of environmental management and business – and they have answers to your questions. Invest time in the exposition hall – our vendors are some of the best people for you to get to know if you want to learn more about what’s happening in RCRA now – and what’s going to happen in the future. Trust us: discovering innovative products and services is necessary to stay competitive in today’s environmental management business world.
Have fun with your peers from the community
General Information/Policy
- We reserve the right to refuse service and/or access to this event for any reason.
- Photographs will be taken of the event. Your likeness can be in that photograph. Photographs could be used for future promotional materials on our website, social media, flyers, presentations or other applications. You have the right to refuse your likeness being used for these purposes.
Past Seminars
SAEMS 2023 Annual RCRA Seminar
The SAEMS 2023 Annual RCRA Seminar: The event was held on August 17th, 2023 at the Hilton Tucson East. This event was a great success for everyone involved. We were able to see old friends and make new friends. Thank you to the speakers and attendees! Our speakers shared some valuable information on great topics.
SAEMS 2022 Annual RCRA Seminar
The SAEMS 2022 Annual RCRA Seminar: Welcome Back, RCRA! was our chance to welcomes everyone back from two long years apart. The event was held on August 19th, 2022 at the Hilton Tucson East. This event was a great success for everyone involved. We were able to see old friends and make new friends. Thank you to the speakers and attendees! Our speakers shared some valuable information on great topics:
- Joyann Hernandez, Sunflower Environmental–RCRA Basics and Regulatory Update
- Jennifer Lynch, Pima County DEQ–Unlocking Soil’s Dirty Little Secrets
- David Bearden, Waste Management–LDR Training Compliance Refresher
- Aleisa Krug, P.E. Raytheon Technologies–Handling Confidential Wastes
- Frank Sanchez, ACT Enviro–RCRA Waste Management State of the Industry
- Gav Orman, ADEQ–Pollution Prevention Program
- Norm Weiss and Karika Bridgers, N. Weiss Associates–RCRA Sampling
- Allie Reynolds, ADEQ–Top 10 Deficiencies Cited in 2021
- Brayan Mejia Ramerirez, Overley’s–Asphalt tank cleaning Case Study
- Family Feud!!!
- 2022 Digital Booklet

SAEMS 2021 Annual RCRA Seminar
The SAEMS 2021 Annual RCRA Seminar: Vaccinate Against Violations was the second virtual seminar held by the organization. The event was held on August 19th, 2021. Even though we had to meet virtually, the event was quite the success! Thank you to those who attended!
Though it was different, our speakers shared some valuable information on great topics:
- Joyann Hernandez, Sunflower Environmental–RCRA Basics and Regulatory Update
- Gav Orman, ADEQ–Pollution Prevention Program
- Elizabeth Kasik, Turner Laboratories–RCRA Testing Dos and Dont’s
- JB Shaw, ADEQ–What About the Other 2 Rs, Reduce & Reuse?
- Mario Barrios, ADEQ–What to Expect During an Inspection
- Norm Weiss and Karika Bridgers, N. Weiss Associates–Hazardous Waste Worker Safety
- Matthew Helton and David Janke, ADEQ–Are you Ready For Hazardous Waste Reporting
- Kalie Rumaner, ADEQ–Hazardous Waste Jeopardy?

SAEMS 2020 Annual RCRA Seminar
The SAEMS 2020 Annual RCRA Seminar: Compliance at a Distance was the first virtual seminar held by the organization. The event was held on August 20th, 2020. Even though we had to meet virtually, the event was quite the success! Thank you to the 84 that registered!
Though it was different, our speakers shared some valuable information on great topics:
- Brian Lindman, US Ecology–RCRA Basics and Regulatory Update
- Tyyo Chase & JB Shaw, ADEQ–Pollution Prevention/Sustainability
- Elizabeth Kasik, Turner Laboratories–RCRA Testing Dos and Dont’s
- Andrea Ramirez & Chris Van Natta, HDR–Container Selection
- Carrolette Winstead, Winstead Consulting and Solana Generating Station–Pollution Prevention Intervention
- Justin Bauer, ADEQ–Top Common Violations and Solutions
- David Janke–eManifests/myDEQ
- Justin Bauer & Mario Barrios, ADEQ–What’s Wrong With This Picture?

SAEMS 2019 Annual RCRA Seminar
Thanks to everyone who made the 2019 Annual SAEMS RCRA Seminar a great success! The seminar was held on May 9, 2019, with 150 attendees and 25 sponsors. The net seminar profit this year was $8,257 — these proceeds help fund our annual scholarships. We couldn’t put on this event without the dedication of our committee members — consider being a volunteer next year, we are always looking for more help! Our speakers also deserve a big hand:
- Jennifer Lynch, PDEQ – RCRA Basics
- David Janke, ADEQ – myADEQ and e-Manifests
- Sara Phillips, Waste Connections – RCRA Exemptions & Common Misconceptions
- Michelle de Blasi, Fennimore Craig – RCRA Update
- Mary Cottrell & J.B. Shaw, ADEQ – Pollution Prevention Online Reporting/Sustainable Materials Management
- Brandon Green & Mario Barrios, ADEQ – Hazardous Waste Compliance Inspections: What to Expect
- Elizabeth Kasik, Turner Laboratories – Ins & Outs of RCRA Sample Analysis
- Jeff Christensen, U of A – Drug Into History Update
- Erin Lansey, HDR – RCRA Evolution

SAEMS 2018 Annual RCRA Seminar
The SAEMS 2018 Annual RCRA Seminar – “Stranger RCRA Things & EPCRA Too” was held on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at Hilton Tucson East.
Topics and presenters for this year’s seminar included RCRA Basics & Regulatory Update, Brian Lindman, US Ecology; Local Emergency Planning Committee Updates, Courtney Bear, Pima County, and Paul Kramkowsik, Raytheon; The Ten Commandments of RCRA Compliance, Barton Day, The Law Offices of Barton Day, PLLC; Drug Into History – History of Pharmacy Museum, Jeff Christensen, University of Arizona Risk Management Services; Legislative Updates, Amanda Stone, ADEQ; How to Establish a Lamp Recycling Program, Erin Zeller, Veolia North America; ADEQ Emergency Response Unit, Chris Nutter, ADEQ; e-Manifests: The Latest on EPAs New Hazardous Waste Tracking System, David Janke, ADEQ. Presentations were followed by a Question & Answer Session, Wrap-up, & Final Door Prizes. A Happy Hour was held at the Hilton East Vista Bar.
Thanks to our sponsors for making this event possible!

SAEMS 2017 Annual RCRA Seminar
SAEMS hosted its 2017 Annual RCRA Seminar – “The RCRA Files: Compliance is Out There” – on Thursday, May 11, 2017, at Hilton Tucson East.
Topics and presenters for this year’s seminar included RCRA Basics, Nora Atondo, PDEQ; Local Emergency Planning Committee Updates, Courtney Bear, Pima County Local Emergency Planning Committee; Managing Medical and Universal Waste, Jeff Christensen, University of Arizona; RCRA Law, Yvonne Young, Quarles & Brady; The Disposal Files: Different Hazardous Waste Disposal Scenarios, Jay Zandell, ERI; Waste Program Updates, Laura Malone, ADEQ; E-Waste Recycling, JB Shaw, ADEQ; Waste Minimization to Recycling Optimization, Steve Caldwell, GreenSheen; Hanford Nuclear Site, Shawn Calendine, HydroGEOPHYSICS; Waste Program Case Scenarios, Terry Baer, ADEQ; Getting Ready for the New RCRA Generator Improvement Rule, Brian Lindman, US Ecology. Presentations were followed by a Question & Answers Session, Wrap-up, & Final Door Prizes. A Happy Hour was held at the Hilton East Vista Bar.
Thanks to our sponsors for making this event possible!

SAEMS 2016 Annual RCRA Seminar
SAEMS would like to thank our sponsors and the 161 registered attendees for the very successful 2016 SAEMS RCRA Seminar – Compliance Continues at the Hilton East in Tucson, Arizona on May 5, 2016.
Topics and presenters for this year’s seminar included RCRA Basics, Jennifer Lynch, Pima County Department of Environmental Quality; Universal and Medical Waste, Jeff Christensen, University of Arizona; Profiling Waste into a TSDF, Andy Marshall, US Ecology; EPA Next Generation Compliance, Combining Environmental and Worker Safety Violations, Jerry Worsham, The Cavanagh Law Firm, P.A.; Updates on Waste Programs, Pamela Nicola, ADEQ; Legislation & SRO Organization, Amanda Stone, ADEQ; LUNCH & Visit Tucson Fire Hazmat & Ladder Truck; Visit Vendor Booths; Hazmat Incidents and Initial Owner Response, Captain James Cosmas, Tucson Fire Department; Hazmat Placarding for Highway Transportation, Officer Gary Mitchell, Arizona Department of Public Safety; Mastering Container Compatibility, Tracy Carlise, H2O Environmental; Implementing Green Technology & Programs, Andre Fuentes, Frito Lay Casa Grande; RCRA Quiz Show, Amanda Lam, ADEQ; Question & Answers Session, Wrap-up, & Final Door Prizes; Happy Hour!